More Muc Than You Can Handle

Career Break

Three Months in India

career break
September 20th - December 16th Ugh, I left this post until way too late. Unfortunately I’ll have to drop a lot of detail as 3 months is pretty hard to sum up in a single blog post. Hopefully I can do it justice as India is a place I’m very fond of. I feel bad for all the wonderful little experiences that happened and didn’t get written about. I’ll just have to visit India again and properly journal the whole experience. Read more...

Joining SoundCloud and Moving to Berlin

career break soundcloud cloudfoundry
I can’t say exactly when the job search began. It began with the creation of a Note in Evernote (great tool for this type of task). It was much different than any other job search I’ve done, though I haven’t done many as I tend to stick to job for at least 4 years at a time. The key difference with this search was that I wasn’t working, and wasn’t in a hurry to find a job. Read more...

Siófok/Tihany, Italian Grand Prix, and Istanbul

career break
August 30th - September 19 Hungary for More (Siófok/Tihany) Remember the woman that I met at the Dream Theater concert? We have kept in touch and she promised to show me around the Hungarian country side! She recommended Balaton Lake area so I found a place to stay in Siófok and worked on scheduling a day to meet up. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate as it rained most of the time I was there. Read more...

Visiting the Motherland - Ukraine

career break
August 17th - August 29th Ukraine The next leg of the journey was a long slog from Vienna to L’viv. I took a noon train to Budapest and had to pass some time there for a little while. From Budapest it was an overnight journey with many frequent stops in the middle of the night for immigration and customs. If you’ve ever played Papers, Please, it felt like that. Ukraine isn’t part of the Schengen agreement so you can’t just cross the border without a documents check. Read more...

Rome, Switzerland, and Vienna

career break
July 30th - August 17th When in Rome When I learned that my uncle and his family would be in Rome I looked at my schedule to see if I could make seeing them work. It turned out it fit perfectly! The last time I saw them was in London while they were doing their 2013 summer trip and I was on my Belgian Grand Prix vacation. My aunt and uncle are well versed in the world of business so we had many evenings discussing what I’ve learned from the economics courses and floating ideas of what’s next for my life. Read more...

Prague, Budapest, and the Hungarian Grand Prix

career break
July 22nd - July 29th Prague Next portion of the trip is to Eastern Europe! I had a nice simple itinerary to Prague: Heidelberg -> Munich -> Prague. Unfortunately something was going on with the brakes on the train and I missed my train in Munich so it turned into: Heidelberg -> Munich -> Neurberg -> Cheb -> Prague. By now I’m a seasoned itinerary refactorer so this didn’t phase me. Read more...

Glasgow, Berlin, Heidelberg and the German Grand Prix

career break
July 7th - July 21st Reunions in Glasgow Since my train didn’t leave until after noon, I decided to go back to Bletchley Park and spend the morning there. It was so nice to just spend some idle time in the park and not hurry through the exhibits. Unrushed, I made my way to the train station for a direct train to Glasgow. Upon arrival at the station I was greeted by Derek and Rose who I know from back in the Calgary days. Read more...

Belgium, France, London and the British Grand Prix

career break
June 24th - July 7th Shipment Delivered Upon arrival in Antwerp I saw my taxi from the deck. I had all my belongings ready and made my way down to the port. The ship crew was busy with the offloading of containers so I decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to disturb them to say farewell. It was a long drive to the immigration office, and there I found out that I needed a passenger manifest to get the stamp of approval. Read more...

Crossing the Atlantic via Container Ship

career break
As I mentioned in my last post, I finished the crossing of the Atlantic ocean via container ship. It was a great experiene that I’ll happily do again. 11 days wasn’t enough, and would be happy to spend a month next time around. Too Much Twine on my Hands A blog post probably wouldn’t due the experience justice so I decided to play around with a basic word game engine to give you a more self-directed tour. Read more...

Leaving Vancouver and North America

career break
After another relaxing two weeks in Vancouver (and attending Sasquatch), it’s time to leave. Here’s the last sunset I watched from the beach. If you can believe it, the weather in Vancouver was 99% rain free! Schools Out for Summer During my downtime I’ve enrolled in the Economics of Banking and Money on Coursera. I never thought I would find learning this stuff so much fun! To supplement the course material, I’ve been listening to the following podcasts too: Read more...

Two Weeks Living Off the Clock

career break
For the last two weeks I’ve been house sitting for a friend in the beautiful area of Kitsalano in Vancouver. The goal for the two weeks was to figure out the rest of my travel plans and to meet up with a lot of my friends and acquaintances that I haven’t seen for a while. According to Plan? The two weeks went by quickly. I mainly organized myself around other people’s clocks. Read more...

Reflections of Being Unemployed and Homeless for 1 Month

career break
For some context, you may want to read my previous post about quitting my job. I am homeless and unemployed in probably the most priveleged meaning of the terms. Both states of being are choices I’ve explicitly made. From what I’ve read, I’m not really on a sabbatical, but I’m on a Career Break, except the homeless aspect of it is not as conventional. So here are the reflections: Where Am I Sleeping Tonight On September 1st 2012 I gave up my awesome apartment in Calgary as I prepared for an assignment in India (without really knowing where I was going after that). Read more...

Leaving a Dream Job and Going on an Adventure

career break
On January 4th 2010 I joined ThoughtWorks and it has been an amazing journey. I’ve seen more systems, worked with more people, and seen more countries than the entire 30 years that preceded that date. I still can’t believe how lucky I’ve been to have such a wonderful opportunity. That’s why it took me a long time to decide to leave it, and go on a bit of an adventure. Read more...
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